By Shiv Antar
I've loved my deep dive into becoming a Qi Gong Teacher. I'd like to share why I will be alternating the Monday evening zoom class between offering Qi Gong, then the next week offering kundalini yoga. Whichever week you attend, goals and intentions will be the same: Less Stress, More Energy. Let me tell you more about Qi Gong:

Qi means Life Force Energy. Gong means work or skill.
We practice Qigong to become more skilled with the use of our life force energy.
Another quick definition of Qigong is “Less stress – more energy.”
In this class we will begin to explore the Five Elements Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) through the practice of Qigong as taught in the Holden Qigong Method.
Whether you are practicing Yoga, Pranayama, Qigong, Tai Qi, or any other healing energy practice, it is all the same Life Force Energy! It is just a matter of what perspective or lens you are viewing it with.
Qigong practice itself can vary depending on the teacher you have and the master with whom they studied. Even that varies, because many Qigong teachers like to learn from different masters whenever possible. Why would they mix it up like that? They understand that we are all in our own unique bodies, experiencing the energies of life in or own unique way. So learning variations on this practice just opens one up to more experiences of our amazing Qi, along with the potential realization the we can all be masters of our own beautiful life force energy!
The method of Qigong taught in this Monday night Zoom class is meant for health maintenance:
In each class we will practice breathwork, warm-ups, energy activations, and stretches to purge/release emotional and physical stress and stagnation from the body.
Then we will practice specific flowing movements to cultivate positive energy, as well as standing postures to tonify and strengthen our energy. We will finish each class with a short, guided meditation using either breath, sound, color, visualization or any combination of those tools.
Because this class is being taught in the evening, there will be more emphasis on releasing the energy of the day, calming the mental energies, and preparing for a restful sleep.
What is needed for class:
Cameras must remain on during this class.
Qigong is mostly practiced while standing, but most exercises can be done in a chair.
Have a sturdy chair handy, without wheels or arms if possible, (even if you think you don’t need one) which can be used for meditation and available if your feet or legs start to get tired during practice.
Yoga mat or blanket- Each class may also include some stretches while sitting on the floor, and some of the ending meditations can be practiced lying down.
Hydration is always important.
The only other thing needed is an open mind and the intention of honoring your own beautiful body, mind, and spirit.