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In its first full fiscal year ending June 30, 2022,  Gobinday provided 99 classes,  virtually and in person, by 4 volunteer teachers serving over 500 attendees and a handful of 1:1 sessions. 

In our second full fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, four volunteer teachers served 705 people-class sessions.  Seventy-six per cent chose  exchange for class of $9 or less.  Of these, 225 had a great class for $5, and 175 for free.   Yoga therapy provided 13 free intro session, plus 45 scheduled sessions, 64% which were discounted to the comfort level chosen by the recipient.

In the most recent FY ending June 30, 2024:

  • Through your support,  340 people enjoyed a $0-$5 yoga class over this past fiscal year. 

  • Six volunteer teachers prepared, delivered and held space within, 643 people-class sessions. 

  • We delivered 79 yoga therapy sessions, for which 81% paid the discounted sliding scale exchange of their choice. 

  • In spring of this year, we launched Yoga for Growing Families, an upstream offering to help parents of gestating babies and new arrivals keep steady and calm. â€‹â€‹

These exchanges demonstrate the need for donation-based, affordable yoga.  If this idea feels alive to you, please add your100% tax deductible gift of any amount  HERE.

Kundalini Yoga in Central Massachusetts Now

There has been much dialogue about the history of kundalini yoga over the past 3 years.  We are an independent affiliation of yoga practitioners who have found these mind-body experiences personally helpful, and healthful, over many years.   We are here to serve, openly and honestly.  


Kundalini Yoga was reportedly "brought to the West" by Yogi Bhajan in 1969.  Over 50 years, he and his corporations built a worldwide community of persons who practice and teach Kundalini Yoga and/or Sikh Dharma.  

These corporations have been troubled by lawsuits between the for-profit and non-profit organizations over the decades.  In 2020, energy arose around multiple credible allegations of endemic clerical sexual misconduct by Yogi Bhajan.  

The organizations responded by hiring an independent third investigator, An Olive Branch, which found the allegations likely to have occurred. 


Kundalini Yoga for All (2007-2020) and Gobinday Yogic Health (2021-onward) are, and always have been, independent and free-standing organizations with a mission to share yoga without physical or financial barrier.  

 Hari Kirin's observations as of June 25, 2020 , updated June 27, 2022 and April 17, 2023:

When  women stand together in allegations against a male leader, I believe them. 

I have to collect that this is yet another tragedy of an alpha male leader's corruption letting down a spiritual community.  It breaks my heart that leaders in these organizations, either knowingly or unknowingly, possibly aided systemic dysfunction.  I see good intentions everywhere.  In this moment, intentions are being challenged to move into conscious action.  Here in 2023, I remain troubled that leadership organizations continue to use an honorific for Yogi Bhajan's name.  The community is split between those who stand with this branding, and those of us, myself included, who believe the healing power of yoga comes through independent of branding or personality identification.  


I came to kundalini yoga in 2003 and was not aware of these troubles until they developed over 2019-2020.  If I participated in organizations that upheld an unhealthy status quo, I deeply apologize for the fact that I was not aware. I hold this standard not only to the yoga world, but to the global work of anti-racism, anti-sexism, and discrimination in all its forms, across all structures.  I now step back into greater pause for discernment before joining or aiding any group or organization.  

I remain hopeful that the kundalini yoga community may heal and rebuild, this time from grassroots upward.  


It is also my observation that this yoga works, and is larger than anyone who has taught it, past present or future.   Kundalini yoga teaches each of us to go within and listen deeply to our inner wisdom and compass. It fortifies our courage to fully express the unique purpose of our soul. 


It is my prayer that each of us cultivates deep compassion for ourselves and each other, and that we move from a time of icons into a spirituality that fully blossoms from within. 


I welcome and embrace a world where yoga is simply yoga, people are simply people, and that we are kind to one another as our greatest act.   


(508) 552-2144



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