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Writer's pictureHari Kirin Khalsa

Memo to Mother Earth

by Dr. Hari Kirin

Dear mother, when I walk in your woods , when I swim in your waters, when you hold me in your earthy embrace, camping.. I know a presence that is in me. I know that the same elements and atoms which make up this human creature are also what you are. There is no separation between us. I am speechless at the wonder of this. I am also in heartache with concern: you are in need of help and healing in this moment, urgently.

Each day I interact with the tools of my civilization: technology, communications, appliances, vehicles. I wonder, how do I reconcile these necessities with that deep, inner knowing between me and Earth? May all the human inventions never erase from my mind the connection between you and me, dear mother.

Today on this earth day, and each day, let my prayer be:

Heal mother earth, heal mother earth, heal mother earth: and may it begin with me.

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